Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Cleaning ~ Myself!

Sorry, today's post is not on my usual design topics but focused on self design, possibly you are feeling the same lately, the need for personal spring cleaning.  To start fresh not only by cleaning up the house but maybe a lifestyle change, new fitness routine, or just by making better choices!  I'm always making lists to improve different areas of my life from work, health, home, and personal goals.  I've been questioning that internal pressure of mine that seems to derail these goals.  So I had a plan, after Easter I would be strict and clean up my lifestyle, ie. a list of what I wanted to do to be/feel better. 

It consisted of... 
*Meditate Daily, *Working out 5 days a week, *Eating a Clean Diet-no sugar, dairy, processed foods, bad carbs and alcohol (w/occasional cheat day, I need my buffalo and wine now and then)

However, I have not been consistent -yetI believe following this list would help anyone feel better.  I've been so tired from work and entertaining and felt the need for a little break, then maybe/hopefully/definitely start next week!

           Balanced ~ Healthy ~ Energized ~ Positive ~ Grateful ~ Zen

It's funny how you come across information at certain times.  I was catching up on my favorite blogs, and I found this beneficial speech on Tobi Fairley's blog, "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brene Brown.  I typically wouldn't watch these videos but I'm glad I took the time to listen, she's a great, factual storyteller!  It's a little lengthy but well worth it!  She'll make you think, laugh, relate and possibly become more vulnerable, in a good way.

Brene Brown, The Power of Vulnerability

Back to more design goodness tomorrow!

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